[SPD crest]
Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity
Vancouver Alumni Chapter

Meeting minutes for October 29, 2001

Location: Connections, Metrotown Station Square, Burnaby

Present: Kevin Deane-Freeman (President), Jan Erik Laursen (Vice President), Heiko Epkens (Social Coordinator), Brent Dozzi (Treasurer), Edmund Gin (Secretary), Kevin Oldknow (Western Province Councillor), Darren Farnworth (Western Province Councillor-Designate), Tyler Borges, Chris Baker, Bryce Bendickson, Justin Malcolm, Charlie Loo, Dean Olund.

Apologies: Martin Froehling (House Liaison)

As a quorum was achieved, the meeting was called to order at 7:01pm.

  1. Executive Reports:
  2. Christmas Social
  3. Art Rennison offered to host the Social. Preferred December 9th over December 2nd. HE to contact AR to coordinate plans. HE asked what the budget for this year is: BD answered that the last Christmas Social cost around $700 and which only around $500 was recovered. KDF suggested that this year's budget might be less due to the leftover bottles from last year. Prices to go up slightly. The rest of the discussion was over operational details.

  4. Newsletter
  5. Mailed out. Few returns - those have been brought to the attention of the Executive Director.

  6. Address Verification
  7. KDF mentioned that at the Christmas Social, people from various years should be approached to confirm validity of addresses - or possibly ask them to help locate lost Brothers by phoning around. KO suggested contacting people for upcoming Formal Initiations, gave brief story of how Executive Director got brought back into involvement with National.

  8. 70th Anniversary

    KDF indicated that EG was in charge of this event, as per his memory of previous meetings. (Note: previous minutes indicate that it was HE who was to be in charge, not EG) EG indicated he did not have the time to put this together. KDF then mentioned that HE had mentioned that he was into it, to which HE acknowledged, but also indicated that he was skeptical that the event would succeed. KDF pointed out that if nobody was to take charge, then event was not going to happen. HE agreed that it was something within the realm of the Social Coordinator, but suggested that we should aim for the 75th instead of the 70th: this time around, it should probably be held at a restaurant, while for the 75th, more extravagant plans could be made. Potential locations were suggested.

  9. National Report

    KO had submitted his resignation the previous week, and DF was appointed as his replacement. KO then introduced plans for the Western Province Retreat, which is to be held separately by Chapter (not all of Alpha Chapter would be able to make the one in Vancouver). The one in Vancouver to be held on the weekend of January 19th, 2002. He then outlined the recent happenings within National, including:

  10. Superbowl Party

    TB talked to House Manager Chad Brown, who expressed interest in organizing it. Concerns were raised about Chad B doing the organizing as House Manager. BD to inform whoever was interested in running the party about details.

  11. Hockey/Active Issues

  12. Elections

    EG asked if there were going to be elections soon - it'd been a few years since the last set of elections. KDF suggested that autumn was a bad time for elections; tentatively schedule an AGM for spring, to include the soon-to-be grads.

  13. Next meeting

    The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for early December.

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm.

    Prepared by:
    Edmund Gin