[SPD crest]
Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity
Vancouver Alumni Chapter

Meeting minutes for October 2, 2000

Location: Connections, Metrotown Station Square
Present: Kevin Deane-Freeman (President), Brent Dozzi (Treasurer), Edmund Gin (Secretary), Kevin Oldknow (Western Province Councillor), Charlie Loo, Chris Baker, Jan Erik Laursen.

As a quorum was achieved, the meeting was called to order at 7:35pm.

  1. Executive Reports:
  2. Christmas Social
  3. Mike Currie has volunteered to host the Christmas Social at his house. KDF to contact Spike to organize (with Mike). There was discussion as to whether or not the invites should go out with the newsletter. Issue of invites tabled until item 4.

  4. Chief's birthday
  5. Date has been set by the Theta Actives for Saturday October 14th. Dinner is at 6pm SHARP! Will consist of spaghetti dinner (Actives), birthday cake (Alumni), and refreshements. EG asked for clarification with regards to alcohol for Chief's Birthday. BD looked into his records and determined that the funds for refreshments did not come from the Alumni chapter. KDF clarified that alcohol in the past consisted of leftovers from the Christmas Social from the year previous, and that the last couple of years, there have been no leftovers (we're doing a good job finishing all the hard alcohol at the social). EG to talk to Actives re: what they're planning on doing, KDF to arrange for cake.

  6. Newsletter
  7. Items to include:

    EG to acquire a copy of Pagemaker. Newsletter to be put together by EG and KDF.

  8. National
  9. KO mentioned that the McMaster Colony is currently on shaky ground. A request was sent out to the Actives to assist in keeping McMaster interested.

    Stuff about Grand President. e-mail egin@interchange.ubc.ca for more info.

    KO also mentioned that he's looking for a Deputy Western Province Councillor for Expansion. If anyone is interested, please contact him.

    Official visit of Theta Active Chapter by KO tentatively scheduled for Chief's Birthday.

  10. Old Business
  11. KO to look into lost jewelry.

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm.

    Edmund Gin