[SPD crest]
Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity
Vancouver Alumni Chapter

Meeting minutes for July 30, 2001

Location: Connections, Metrotown Station Square, Burnaby

Present: Kevin Deane-Freeman (President), Heiko Epkens (Social Coordinator), Martin Froehling (House Liaison), Edmund Gin (Secretary), Tyler Borges, Chris Baker, Bryce Bendickson, Justin Malcolm, Darren Farnworth, Dave Beleznay.

Apologies: Kevin Oldknow (Western Province Councillor), Brent Dozzi (Treasurer)

As a quorum was achieved, the meeting was called to order at 7:15pm.

  1. New Alumni

    Bryce Bendickson - Mech '01. Currently working for a military contracting firm.

  2. Executive Reports:
  3. North Shore Crawl
  4. Initially suggested for August 18th, noon until closing. Route: from the Troller to the Raven, with all stops in between. JM indicated that while we were welcome to crash at his place in Deep Cove, he might be in Israel. TB to send details to EG. Suggestion to move date of Crawl either forward or backward one weekend. Final decision to move Crawl to August 11th.

  5. Convention
  6. A brief summary of the Convention was made. Details to be posted on the Vancouver Alumni Chapter website. Concerns raised re: Alumni Dues. A suggestion was made to compile a list of questions to submit to the Leadership Committee of National. DF offered to do the compilation. (Note: in a separate conversation with KO, KO indicated he compiled a list of concerns from the previous meeting's recording.)

  7. Newsletter
  8. KDF indicated he'd like to get a newsletter out in September. Suggestion was made to bring a camera to Crawl. Need something from everyone. EG indicated he had BD's financial report; KDF mentioned that BD would also have to provide a short "Business Manager's message" to go with it.

  9. National

    As KO was not able to attend the meeting and had not prepared a report, there was nothing to report.

  10. Old Debt

    MF indicated that there was about $8000 in debt from members owing to the House. The members owing money are on file at the House. KDF suggested that this issue be brought up in the Newsletter. JM also suggested that recent renovations and upgrades be mentioned in MF's House report in the Newsletter.

  11. Bursary

    KDF indicated he was having trouble getting through to the UBC Awards Office re: the Abe Lighthall Bursary. A question was raised with regards to the history of the award, and KDF quickly explained the recent troubles with converting it to an endowment-based award. Item to be brought up in the Newsletter re: future of the bursary.

  12. 70th Anniversary Celebrations

    EG raised the question: "Are we going to do it?" HE pointed out his concerns about the financial costs associated with doing such an event. KDF suggested placing something in the Newsletter, with a confirmation due a month after the Christmas Social, complete with deposit. March 9th, 2002, was chosen as a tentative date for the Celebrations. TB nominated Charlie Loo to help HE organize the Celebrations, due to his connections from working on the Engineer's Ball. (Note: in a separate conversation with CL, CL indicated to EG that he would assist in the preparations for the Celebrations.

  13. Next meeting

    The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for Sept 1/01.

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.

    Edmund Gin