[SPD crest]
Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity
Vancouver Alumni Chapter

Meeting minutes for May 13, 2002

Location: Elephant and Castle, BCIT, Burnaby

Present: Jan Erik Laursen (Vice President), Tyler Borges (Social Coordinator), Edmund Gin (Secretary), Darren Farnworth (Western Province Councillor), Bryce Bendickson, Peter Celler.

Late: Kevin Deane-Freeman (President)

Apologies: Brent Dozzi (Business Manager)

Absent: Chad Brown (House Liaison)

As a quorum was achieved, the meeting was called to order at 7:15pm.

  1. Executive Reports:
  2. House Insurance
  3. BD was not available to provide a report on the issue, but both CBrown and EG had discussed this with BD previously. Essentially, the insurance policy on the House ran out, and they only gave BD about a week's notice. The price of insurance went up appreciably, and BD decided to shop around. To date, there is no insurance on the House, but BD was hopeful that a new policy will be in effect within the week, per conversation with EG.

  4. National Report
  5. WPC DF reported that there will be voting on a new colony at the next Supreme Council meeting. He also mentioned that the Bangladesh interest group has petitioned for chapter status, which may be dealt with at the next Supreme Council meeting as well. According to National, Theta is delinquent in dues. The logo competition was a flop - as a result, National will look to request the services of a professional graphic artist. An intern has been hired for National. WPC DF also noted that Grand VP Keith Hileman had received an inquiry from the University of Calgary, possibly looking at a potential colony there. Finally, WPC DF was happy to announce that Phi Chapter now has (temporarily) a House again.

  6. Next Meeting Location
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm.

Prepared by:
Edmund Gin