[SPD crest]
Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity
Vancouver Alumni Chapter

Meeting minutes for May 12, 2003

Location: Elephant and Castle, BCIT, Burnaby

Present: Kevin Deane-Freeman (President), Jan Erik Laursen (Vice President), Brent Dozzi (Business Manager), Edmund Gin (Secretary), Shaun Hodgins (House Liaison), Justin Malcolm, Roger Pettersson.

Apologies: Darren Farnworth (Western Province Councillor), Tyler Borges (Social Coordinator)

As a quorum was achieved, the meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.

  1. Executive Reports:
  2. Form 26
  3. EGin circulated Form 26 to be filled out by various chapter executives. TBorges unavailable to sign due to illness. Will get him to sign at a later date.

  4. House Insurance
  5. BDozzi reported that insurance rate is going up from $2300 to $2900 this year. The fact that we are trying to insure a fraternity house is adversely affecting the rate. The House doesn't even qualify as a boarding house for insurance purposes. BDozzi asked if we should possibly reduce coverage. At this time, breakdown of costs for insurance was unavailable. A change of status of the House was suggested.

    Upon research during discussion, BDozzi found that for last year, a majority of the cost of insurance was for replacement (approx. 75%), with the remainder towards liability. JELaursen suggested talking to other insurance brokers/providers. BDozzi to talk to other providers, and maybe change designation of House.

  6. Mail Server
  7. DNS issues still remain with mail server - hasn't transferred over yet. Mail server is usable, but not with sigphi.ca yet. Currently sitting at sigphi.breadner.ca (ie. JBreadner still hosting on his personal domain).

  8. Convention
  9. This year's General Convention is to be held from July 24th to July 26th. Report is being written for May 15th. Active report status is unknown.

  10. Next Meeting
  11. Since the E&C @ BCIT closes at 7pm in June, and KDFreeman not in town for the June meeting, JELaursen suggested going to Champs, indicating that the menu had changed. Tentatively scheduled meeting at NBI, will determine "permanent" meeting location at next meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

Prepared by:
Edmund Gin