[SPD crest]
Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity
Vancouver Alumni Chapter

Meeting minutes for January 7, 2002

Location: Elephant and Castle, BCIT, Burnaby

Present: Kevin Deane-Freeman (President), Jan Erik Laursen (Vice President), Heiko Epkens (Social Coordinator), Brent Dozzi (Treasurer), Edmund Gin (Secretary), Darren Farnworth (Western Province Councillor), Tyler Borges, Justin Malcolm.

Apologies: Martin Froehling (House Liaison)

As a quorum was achieved, the meeting was called to order at 7:20pm.

  1. Executive Reports:
  2. Christmas Social
  3. See Social Coordinator/Treasurer's Report.

  4. Western Province Retreat
  5. WPC DF re-iterated that the Western Province Retreat will be held Jan 18th-20th at Evans Lake, near Squamish. All members invited. e-mail notification to come re: what to bring. At this point, 8 AOE ladies and approx. 8 Alumni to attend. All Actives and Pledges are expected to attend.

  6. Elections/AGM
  7. Elections forthcoming. KDF requested that any Execs who were planning on not running again to assist in locating potential replacements. KDF mentioned that the best time for the AGM would be near the end of the school term, so that graduating Actives could attend. Previous meeting was at the House; last Monday of March was suggested. Question was raised re: length of Exec term - EG researched and indicated that specific changeover dates were not given, but term of office was specified as one year.

  8. National Report

    Vancouver Retreat mentioned earlier - DF also mentioned that another WP Retreat was set for LA, although date not chosen yet. Forum for change of the Object was made, much discussion was had by some members. Province Elections won't happen at the Retreats; will probably be conducted by mail-out ballot to delegates. DF mentioned that we need a Delegate and a Chapter Councillor. TB volunteered to be Alumni Advisor/Chapter Councillor.

  9. Relocation of Meeting Place

    Elephant and Castle was chosen to be the meeting place until further notice.

  10. Next meeting

    The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for Feb 18th.

  11. Chief's Bursary

    Deadline was chosen to be Feb 15th, 2002.

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.

    Prepared by:
    Edmund Gin